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research unit 1b

- Sophy Rickett’s ‘The Curious Moaning of Kenfig Burrows’ and ‘Death of a Beautiful Subject’
- Gianluigi Ricuperati’s ‘Under the Volcano and Other Stories’
- Raymond Meeks
- Guillaume Simoneau’s ‘Murder’
- Jack Latham’s ‘Parliament of Owls’
- Stephen Gill’s ‘The Pillar’
- Taryn Simon
- George Finlay Ramsay’s ‘Castorocene’
- Charlotte Prodger’s ‘Brigit’
- Marianna Simnett’s ‘Confessions of a Crow’
- Paul Wright’s ‘Arcadia’.
- Carol Mavor’s ‘Aurelia’
- Max Porter’s ‘Grief is the Thing with Feathers’
- John Clare’s poetry regarding the privatisation of collective land

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