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all this work has been made since starting at the RCA

This body of work is a lyrical exploration of the rural and the duality of the illusions and existence of nature in what is becoming an ever urban world. The absence and presence, light and dark, nothingness and eminence, life and death, contemporary and archaic, small and large. Through the study of bucolic artefacts and otherlyness, I draw inspiration from the imagery associated with superstitions, myths and stories and their pervasiveness in everyday rural life, informed by the notion of a journey in time and space and offering a modern retelling of tales. Through the use of photography, moving image, archival imagery, sound, text and poetry, I have been exploring the relationships and rhythms between people and places, both the visible and unseen inhabitants who live here or pass through. Documenting my drifts through and relationship with the bucolic British countryside that surrounds me, with no real direction but attempting to capture the some of the illusions and peculiarities of rural Britain. Becoming a sort of study of Britain’s drifting and often conflicted relationship with our landscape, whilst investigating some of Britain’s darker and more hidden histories, be it rural myths, superstitions, folk rituals. Through the lens of the everyday, I have been investigating the historic rhythms and rituals of rural Britain as an inhabited and observed realm. Through the use of both contemporary and traditional techniques and technologies, I am exploring how the rural is often portrayed to exists outside of modernity. Through these ongoing explorations, the work has become a sort of exploration into the duality of my own and my family’s relationship with the countryside, searching for some way to express this underlying unsettledness of the postcard countryside dream and the contradictory nature of society’s relationship to the rural; everyone seems to have an idealistic postcard view of the countryside; however, it can be much darker than you might expect.

Were it to exist
In the presence of their remains
Polished smooth by the layers of time
Engraved in a forgotten place
of soil and sediment
Shaped by the transient time exposed
Like soft veiled figures in windows
Projecting faint rays into the fading light
Curtains hang, solid
Disintegrating into a muted void
An obscure fluorescence permeates from the domain
Darkness cannot exist outside of the light
Forecasting the illusion of the ideal
As light acquiesces to the umbra of the night.
Partial and permanent
The presence of absence
And absence of presence
A fly on the wall
Pressed to the glass
The truth unveiled
Dissolving into nothingness
other than as a scattered dying hallucination

00:00 / 01:39

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